Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Today is Tuesday and it is Kenn and Karen's last day here with us in Utah.   We have had a busy and fun time together.   They got to see a lot of the natural wonders of southern Utah, and get a little idea of why we like it here.    It is not so different in climate from their home in Texas, so not is much of thrilling change as for us.     But they enjoyed the different kind of beauty here as well.

They are now headed to Las Vegas.   They will stay there tonight and then fly home tomorrow morning.  

So we say farewell to them and we try to get our minds wrapped around the fact that we have to leave in 2 days!     It is hard to think about hauling out our totes and bags to begin the packing up process.   The weather is supposed to be 70-75 here this week, so we are going to try to soak up as much of it as we can.   Not really looking forward to cold, ice and snow back in Wisconsin!


Deb and Bob

1 comment:

Vanessa and Greg said...

I'm sorry you have to leave your wonderful weather and come back here! It's no fun dealing with all of this cold, ice and snow. It felt like a different world after 17 days in PR - can't imagine what it will feel like to you after 2 months!! We love you and wish you safe travels home.