Friday, March 7, 2014

First Glimpses of Santa Fe

 We got to Santa Fe around 3:00 and checked into our wonderful villa.     We just unloaded our things, refreshed a bit, and headed out walking toward the old area of the city.   Bob made friends with this burro on our walk.

Just a block or two further we came to the plaza area which is a pedestrian friendly, park.   It is surrounded for several blocks in each direction with shops, restaurants, and historical buildings. 

 The picture on the right is one of several art museums in the city.   One of the most famous is the Georgia O'Keefe museum which we intend to visit tomorrow.

We have apparently made it out of Mormon territory, as there is a real Catholic presence here!

The first picture below is the St. Francis of Assisi Basillica.  The second one is said to be the oldest church in the United States-1610.   

The two pictures below are taken of the Loretto Chapel.   It too is very old and was the home of the Sisters of Loretto who came to Santa Fe to open a school.   The school no longer exists and the sisters are no longer active here.   The chapel is privately owned now.   The most famous and unique thing about the chapel is its spiral staircase.   As the story goes, there were no stairs up to the choir loft because men had used ladders.   But the school was for girls and they sang in the choir and wanted stairs.   Because the chapel is so small, traditional stairs would have taken up too much space, so the sisters prayed and prayed for a solution.   Finally, an unknown carpenter appeared and spent 6 months building the marvelous spiral stairs.   They are an engineering marvel as they have to central or side supports.   He disappeared soon after the stairs were finished and never submitted any bill for his services.   The original stairs had no railing, but everyone was afraid to walk up them, so railings were added later.     Pretty cool.

Tomorrow is Saturday and our tentative plans call for it to be our last full day sightseeing.   Deb is negotiating for an extra day here, but Bob is looking at the weather and seeing some nasty predictions for Wisconsin on Tuesday.   His plan is to be home by that time.   Stay tuned to see who wins out!

We have had a nice dinner here in our villa using up some of the food we had left in our fridge in St. George.   A couple glasses of wine have helped to get us pretty mellow.  Bedtime is looking pretty good.

Hugs to Everyone.

Bob and Deb

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