Saturday, March 1, 2014

We Found a Winery in Southern Utah

For those of you who are familiar with the Latter Day Saints religion, finding a winery in the state of Utah was a most surprising event!   Of course, we had to check it out.   It is called Iron Gate Winery and B & B.   It is in the city of Cedar City, which is about 40 miles north of St. George.     They do not grow their own grapes, but they had a nice little tasting room and the bed and breakfast is very charming.   We tasted many of their wines, and truth be told, we not terribly fond of any until the very end of the tasting.   They do not make a sweet wine, so most of them felt a bit short of our comfort level.   That was until they broke out the late harvest zinfandel! It was quite yummy.   It was a nice relaxing Saturday here.   Before we went to the winery, Karen did a couple loads of wash and helped Deb make an apple and pecan pie.   The boys went to the driving range and hit a bucket of balls.   After we returned from the winery, we had a nice supper and played Mexican Train dominoes.  

Tomorrow morning we head north to visit Scott, Sam and the kids.   We hope to get there by lunchtime.   We will spend the rest of the day with them and stay in Nephi at a hotel.   We will head home on  Monday morning after breakfast.

We are nearing the end of the Paulini's visit and also our own stay here in St. George.   Kenn and Karen will head back to Las Vegas on Tuesday as their flight leaves from Vegas on Wednesday morning.  We leave St. George on Friday, March 7.    We are just dreading heading back into the deep freeze and the snow!    It is amazing how quickly we became used to the mild weather here. 

Happy Weekend to Everyone.   

Bob, Deb, Kenn and Karen

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