Saturday, March 8, 2014

More Glimpses of Santa Fe and S***!

Well, when we opened our drapes this morning, guess what we saw?   Yep.   That is snow.   Yuk.   Maybe Mother Nature was trying to gently prepare us for our destination in a few days!    It was cloudy and cool for most of the morning with flurries in the air, but by afternoon the clouds began to break up and we had blue sky by sunset.  

Of course, we did not let it stop us since this was the official "last day" of our winter get-away.   The picture below is of the present state capital building here is Santa Fe.   We were disappointed to see that it was closed today so we only got pictures of the outside.   Bob is convinced it needs a dome!

In our blog post yesterday, we had a picture of the oldest church in the United States.   Well, right around the corner is the oldest house in the United States.   Bob is taking a look.

Then we visited a really neat museum of New Mexico history and culture.   Attached to the museum is a building called the Palace of the Governors.   It housed government since 1610 when Santa Fe was set as the seat of government.   We had a great guided tour in the museum which gave us a really nice history of the city and state.   It has been such a melding of the Native people, Spanish, Mexican, and finally American people.   Bob is standing in the courtyard of the Palace.    It was a most interesting and informative morning.
We were so torn about how to spend our last afternoon.    Winery, brewery, more museums????    Well, after some quick discussion we headed back to our villa for a quick lunch and then headed off to the north for what turned out to be a great afternoon.    See the next blog for the details.

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