Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Big Galoot

 So there is this big red dome called The Big Galoot.  We have no idea how it got its name, but it sort of fits.   Of course, Bob always has to explore things like this.   And as you can see,  with my fear of high places, I am usually far behind, sometimes crawling on hands and knees!  In the picture to the right, I was still on level ground negotiating to stay right where I was.   He was determined to explore it to see if the climb was something our grandkids could handle when they come this week.   I had just seen a family with a little girl about 4 years old come down off the dome, so I figured if she could do it-I could do it!   

 The climb was actually not that bad.   Although, you can see Bob heading for the extra little dome to the left.   He had just said, "Come on up."    I probably don't need to tell you my answer.

I was worried about the hike down, but it was actually quite easy and certainly something Katie, Hunter and Ben will enjoy.  
As you can see, we had another gorgeous day here in the land of the red rocks.   This week will be spent getting ready for the arrival of our three munchkins.   We are busy planning some school activities, and looking forward to lots of exploring as well. 

Hugs to All,


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