Sunday, January 26, 2014

Snow Canyon From Above

 Today we headed out to do some hiking.   We were aiming for an area just outside the city, but on our way there found this nice, paved trail running along the eastern rim of Snow Canyon.   Snow Canyon is one of our favorite spots in the St. George area.  It was actually the site of our very first St. George experience about 7 or 8 years ago when we took our long camping journey.   We camped in Snow Canyon and sort of fell in love with the area.   Those of you who have been here with us-Scott and family, friends Roger and Marsha, and Jeff and Ruth will recognize it.   All of the pictures are looking down into the canyon.   You can easily see the road which runs through the park.   In the first picture, Bob is facing to the southwest back toward the city.   Hard to believe that just beyond those rocks is a city of 100,000 people!

The next two pictures are facing more to the north.    The white rocks are sort of the end of the canyon.

The dark rocks are all lava.   Such a neat combination-white, black and every shade of red you can imagine.

The exploring continued as we just couldn't resist going down into the park.     You can see what we did on the other blog post from today.

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