Friday, September 20, 2013

Wine Tasting Day 1

 Well, we figured out our blog issue.   Apparently I hit "zoom 150%" without realizing it.   Seemed fine when it was online, but it was sure strange on the computer screen.  Anyway, all is good now.

At the right is the courtyard area of our lodging in Guerneville.   So charming and well-maintained.   We wished we could stay two nights.

But that was not to be.   By 10:30 we were swigging Korbel California champagne!    We figured it was 12:30 back home so we were ok.   This is such a historic place.   They Korbel brothers started their undertaking in 1886.   In fact, the building at the right was one of the first they built.   They had to clear acres of redwoods to create their vineyards and they had to leave those huge stumps until their was technology to clear them in the 1950's.    They just planted the vines around them.     They are most famous for their champagnes, but also make several wines (not that good by our standards) and of course, brandy.   Every step in the process takes place on their property here in the Sonoma Valley.

After a couple other winery stops, we headed for our lodging tonight in Santa Rosa, California.   Checked in, relaxed a bit, and then headed for the downtown.    At right, you can see me by a statue of Charlie Brown.   He is everywhere in Santa Rosa because this is the home of Charles Schultz and there is even a Charles Schultz museum here.   We strolled the streets of the old town and ended up having supper at a neat brew pub.   Who knew beer was big in wine country?!?.   Just fine with us.   We sampled six different beers and had some great fish and chips and sliders.

Back in our hotel room now.   Relaxing, reading, and planning our day tomorrow.   We are heading a bit west to the Napa Valley.   We will work our way south through that area and end up staying in Berkeley tomorrow night.   We will turn in our rental car on Sunday morning and head into San Francisco for part two of our California adventure.

Hope all is well with everyone.   We have been thinking about Scott and Sam and wondering if they are sleeping in their new house tonight.   Also thinking about our other two kids as their two families are together in Green Bay for a visit.   Hope brother John is recovering from his broken ankle and brother Ralph is doing well in his stroke recovery.   Great big shout out to everyone else as well.




Karen & Kenn said...

Chamgagne so early in the morning??? what a way to start the day. Can't wait to hear about all the wines you discover on the trip. Too bad you can't take a bottle from each winery home with you. Your suitcases would weigh a ton! Enjoy. Karen & Kenn

The Metcalfs said...

Sounds like you're having fun. We're all good and enjoying our visit together with Greg and Vanessa. Can't wait to see more.