Monday, September 23, 2013

Great Day in the City by the Bay

 Monday dawned beautifully clear.   We had a leisurely breakfast and then hopped on the bus heading to the Golden Gate Bridge.   We had decided that we wanted to walk the bridge today since it was predicted to be very windy on Tuesday.  Another reason is that Bob knew that New Zealand and the United States were going to be racing today right in the Bay in the America's Cup race.   It took us about 40 minutes to cross the bridge along with many, many other walkers and bikers.   Quite an experience!      We reached the other side and settled in for our lunch at Vista Point.   We had planned to just have a short stop here and then head back across the bridge, planning to stop and watch the race from the bridge itself.   As it turned out, our views of the race course and the two boats preparing for the race, was fantastic.   So we just stayed put.   In the picture below you can see the two boats at the start of the race with the city skyline in the background.   It was really quite a sight.    The Oracle, the USA boat won handily and has now closed the gap between itself and the New Zealand boat.   There is another race tomorrow.   Go USA

We then made our way to Telegraph Hill and Coit Tower.   The picture above is taken from the top of the tower.   It is 210 feet tall and the highest point in the city.    Then it was off to Fisherman's Wharf for some yummy crab sandwiches on sourdough bread at the famous Boudin's Sourdough Bakery.  

When we finished supper, we headed for our first cable car ride.   You can see that Bob even braved riding just holding onto the grab bars along the side. It was amazing going down those steep streets!

We got off the cable car and hopped back on our bus to head home.   We are now sitting in our apartment 12 hours after we left with very sunburned and windblown faces and arms, but with some wonderful memories of our day.   Bob is treating his sunburn pain with a cup of tea laced with some Korbel brandy we bought Saturday at the distillery.   Deb is treating hers with a cup of green tea with a wine chaser!    Tomorrow we will remember to bring our sunscreen.  

Toodles to everyone.   Wish you were all here:)

Bob and Debbie    

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