Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sunset and Moonrise

 We had these two lovely views as we strolled around Sausalito.

The setting sun was so beautiful shining on the buildings of San Francisco.    As we snapped our picture a couple struck up a conversation.   They were actually "locals" who were wowed just like we were of these two views taken from nearly the same spot.   We could see the city, Alcatraz, Angel Island, and the new Bay bridge from where we were standing.   The Golden Gate was just around the corner, but blocked from our view.  

The full moon was so pretty as it rose up over the hills surrounding the area.   We are weary, but very anxious to have our first full day of exploring the area tomorrow.

Good night for now.

The Happy Wanderers


Karen & Kenn said...

Wow! You certainly have had quite an experience already. How does this sleeper car compare to your train rides with us in Germany? Certainly sounds like the car was a little smaller for sure. Oh well, it was a bed, right?
The sunset looks so beautiful as it sits over San Francisco. The city is amazing. Have a wonderful day exploring. Karen & Kenn

Karen & Kenn said...


Vanessa and Greg said...

I love reading about your adventures! It's just so great that you guys are out exploring the world. :) Those sunset pics are so beautiful! Can't wait to see more