Thursday, February 14, 2013

Lazy Days in St George

 Greetings Everyone.

Well, we have "kidnapped" 3 of our grandchildren from their parents and are enjoying some fun times here in sunny St. George.   On Wednesday this week, we went to a local wildlife museum and saw hundreds of full-sized mounted animals from all over the world.  It was quite amazing.    After lunch at the condo, we enjoyed exploring the clubhouse here at the Sports Village complex. Mini golf, fooseball, ping pong, air hockey, basketball, baseball, etc etc.   The pool is under some winter maintenance, so we are eagerly awaiting Friday when it is supposed to be ready    for us.                                                                      
 The picture at the top shows the kids enjoying the warm sunshine on the sidewalk in front of our condo later that afternoon.  

On Thursday we experienced a really unique place.   The picture at the right shows the kids at the Dinosaur Track Discovery Center here is St. George.   It has a few dinosaur bones, but is mostly the site of hundreds of preserved dinosaur tracks-in fact the largest concentration of such things in the entire world.   The site was discovered years ago during some excavation and the decision was made to preserve the entire area for research and study.   They just built the museum around it!   The kids enjoyed the museum, but they were all "inspired" to become young archaeologists.   They used some of the souvenir $ they had gotten from Mom and Dad and each bought a mini dino dig kit.   They literally spent hours carefully digging and brushing  through small slabs of plaster for "dinosaur parts" and "fossils".   As you can see from Hunter's picture below, they were truly enthralled by the process.                              

                                                                              After we finally pried the kids away from their digging, Bob and Hunter headed off for the nearby golf course for a round of play.   Kate, Ben and Grandma enjoyed some time out in the warm sunshine at the playground and then came home to make home made egg rolls and heart shaped brownies for our Valentine's Day dinner.   The sun set beautifully once more over St. George and we enjoyed some Skypeing with the Metcalfs and the kids finished watching The Lion King .   Bedtime and tea for the old folks.  

We hope all is well with friends and family.   We are certainly enjoying our days here in this beautiful corner of Utah.   So far we couldn't have asked for better weather.   Warm days, cool nights and no precipitation.   From what we hear, certainly not the same back in Wisconsin!  

Hugs to all,

Bob, Debbie, Kate, Hunter and Ben                          

1 comment:

Vanessa and Greg said...

I have this feeling that maybe you won't want to come home....sounds like you are really enjoying your time there. I'm sure it's great to have the kids there too! All is well here, just cold, but it is winter in WI.
Love you both,
Ness and Greg