Saturday, February 23, 2013

Hitting the Trail

Well, when you are in Utah, guess you have the urge to become a cowboy!   Yesterday when we were hiking yesterday we saw a group of horseback riders and that's all it took for us to be hooked.    We came right back to the condo and started researching options.   Lo and behold, the best option was a trail ride through Snow Canyon.   We knew how beautiful it was out there, so it didn't take us much time to decide it was a yes.   We headed to out to the canyon at 11:00 and our ride started soon after that.   It was a peaceful and beautiful ride.  

 The good news is that we could all even walk quite well when we got of our horses!
Jeff and Ruth are quite excited right now as Ruth's son Nick and his wife, Brianna have surprised them with a visit.   Nick is a Marine and stationed in San Diego, so they decided to hop in their car and join us for a night.   Great for them to get together and we are happy to be a part of the mini reunion.

We will blog more tonight after we get back from our little tour of St George with Nick and Bri.

The Utah Troops

1 comment:

Vanessa and Greg said...

Sounds like a great time! How awesome to have Nick and Bri surprise Jeff and Ruth. Keep soaking it all in and enjoy every last second of your time there. :)