Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Fine Day On Inishmor

This day has to be a 10.  Not a cloud and temps near 80.  I don't think the Irish no how to react to such weather.  The two beaches we passed on the way to the ferry were already starting to draw crowds.  Our ferry ride out to Inishmor was only slightly rolling, like lying in a hammock and being rocked to sleep.  The ferry ride took about 45 minutes.   To see the sights of the island, people could walk, bike, take a jaunty car ride or a tour van.   We chose  the bike rental.  The island is about 7 miles long and 2 miles wide, so a bike worked out just right, except for the hills we had to climb.  It was nice not having so much car traffic as we have had in the last 3 days.   The biggest feature of the island is Dun Anaengus, a fottification sitting on the highest point of the island, built about 500 BC.  We ended our day on the island having a cold one.   Tasted pretty darn good.  

We are now having a "wee rest" as the locals would say.   Tending to our sunburned faces and arms and our sore butts!   We are heading into the city for dinner and some Irish music.   Galway is supposed to be fantastic for that.   We have been so pooped the last few nights that staying up late hasn't been appealing.   Tonight is it.

Wish all of you could be here to experience this wonderful country.      It has been a fantastic trip so far.   We are sad to think we are on the downhill side of the week.   Heading toward our last hotel tomorrow.   It is south of Dublin and we hope to take in some of the Wiklow Mountain sights, Kilkenny, and Waterford and/or Wexford during these last two full days.

Hugs to everyone.

The Weary Sunburned Travelers


Karen & Kenn said...

Wow! Sounds like a wonderful full day. The roads there sound a little treacherous, quite different than Australia for sure. Biking around the island must have been fun and worth a few "cold ones" if you ask us. What a wonderful place. Hope the next few days are as beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Karen & Kenn

John and Rhonda said...

Your Trip sounds wonderful and we are enjoying following you on the blog. We especially like looking at the pictures of the castle's, hope that we can get there someday.
Enjoy the rest of your time.

top of the morning to you

John and Rhonda

The Metcalfs said...

What a fun adventure. Mom....we're chuckling about seeing you on a bike. Emily just said, "Wow, I didn't know Grandma could ride a bike!" I can feel the butt pain you must be feeling. :o)