Sunday, May 27, 2012

Galway to Dublin

 Hello Everyone.  

It is 10:50 PM here and we are just settling in for our cup of tea.   It has been another lovely day as the locals would say.   The picture at the left is of one of the busy streets of Galway last night.   What a buzz going on there!    Pub after pub, after pub.   We were sad to say good bye to that area of Ireland, but we headed out this morning after a hearty breakfast at the Glenlo Abbey.  

On the way to Dublin area we stopped at an ancient
monastic site along the River Shannon.   It is called Clonmacnoise.  It was one of the first Christian sites in the country.   It was so peaceful and "holy" feeling.   You can see the remaining ruins and Celtic crosses in the picture at the right.   Very cool.

We ended our journey at our Fitzpatrick Castle Hotel just south of Dublin.   It is a stately old place with lots of beauty and character.   After a wee nap, we took a nice long stroll into the area nearby called Dalkey.   We had a nice dinner and then walked back to our hotel.   On the way we hiked up to a high hill just in time to see the sun setting over Dublin Bay.   Such a pretty sight.   The city is in the background.    We plan to head south for our last full day here.   Hard to believe our trip is nearly over.  

Good night from Dublin, Ireland.      Hugs to Everyone,   Bob and Deb

1 comment:

Kenn&Karen said...

So glad you're having such a great time And what awesome weather for Ireland. Have fun on your last day and get home safely.

Love, Kenn and Karen