Friday, August 22, 2014

City Tour Part 2-Buda

We left the Pest side of the city and drove across one of the pretty bridges that span the Danube.   On the other side, we entered Buda.   We toured this hilly, green area which is so different from Pest.   One of the stops on the tour was the church shown in the next 3 pictures.   It is St. Mathias church.   Yes, named after the very same beloved leader that we learned about when we were in the Heroes Plaza.   It was like no other Catholic church we have been in.

The walls and pillars all over the inside of the church were painted in shades of brown, tan and orange.   It was lovely, but almost had a Middle Eastern feel.   The stained glass windows are the originals that were removed and hidden away.   Amazingly they survived the war and were put back in the church when refurbishing happened.

 Outside the church there the remains of walled fortifications that are called Fishermen's Bastion.   It was named that because the fishermen who lived on the hillside below the church area were responsible for its protection.  It had openings in the wall where you could look out on the Danube below and the Pest side of the city.

This picture is taken looking through one of the arches.   The large building you can see with the dark colored steeple is the Parliament building.  It is quite beautiful, especially with the sun shining on it.

A short distance away we found this monument.   It was dedicated to the memory of those who lost their lives in the terrible plague that hit so much of Europe.

More to come.....

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