Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Fun at Snow Canyon

As we were driving to Snow Canyon we asked Katie, Hunter and Ben if they remembered the park from last year.  They recognized Cowboy and Indian statues at the entrance to the park and also the area they climbed last year where Scott got stuck on a slippery rock ledge and called back down to us in a concerned tone, "a little help here".  The three pictures below were part of our fun afternoon at Snow Canyon.  The white rocks behind the kids is the end of the canyon and why the park is named Snow Canyon.  The kids ended the day at the sand dunes making sand castles.  The lower picture is Butterfly Trail.  It is part of a large area of red sandstone which is eroded  by the elements over thousand of years into gradient ridges, very striking and beautiful.  Some of the trails are paved for bikers and wheelchairs.  We brought along their scooters and they loved traveling up and down on the hilly sections and finishing at the sand dunes.

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