Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Atop the Glacier

Hello Everyone.  

We were out of touch yesterday due to technical problems with the WIFI at the Lodges.   Got there safe and sound and the place is great-except for that.   This is a picture of us up on top of the Athabasca Glacier along the Icefields Parkway.   It was amazing.

As we blog, we are sitting at the McDonalds in Canmore after another amazing day.   Lake Louise and surrounding areas.   Hope we can blog later with more pictures and details.   Needless to say, it was more of the same astounding scenery.  

We have decided to take some burgers to go and head back to our rooms and drink beer and wine!   We might let Roger get a chocolate shake too.

Hope we can do more later,


The Happy Wanderers

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