Thursday, January 5, 2012

Our First Day in Texas

Here we are in New Braunfels!   Our flights were just perfect.   In fact, we got to Austin 20 minutes early!    Karen and Kenn picked us up from the airport and we went out for lunch at Olive Garden nearby.   We came back to see their home for the first time.   What a lovely place!   We have enjoyed seeing the house and the surrounding development.   Just to make you Wisconsin people feel bad, we sat outside for quite a long time and even had windows open in the car!    Kenn said the temp was 70.   Not too hard to take.   We plan to see the surrounding area tomorrow, so we will take some good pictures and blog tomorrow night. Hope all is well at home.

Deb and Bob

1 comment:

The Metcalfs said...

Glad you made it down easily. Have fun!