Monday, September 26, 2011

Beautiful Lake Louise and the Lake Agnes

Hello Again Everyone.

We awoke this morning (at 5:00 AM because we went to bed at 8:30) to the promise of sunshine.   Lo and behold, the sun appeared right on cue as we prepared to leave for Lake Louise!   We arrived at the lake by around 8:30, and it was like a sheet of glass.  The reflections were fantastic as you can see in the picture.   It was cool, in fact there was some light snow and ice overnight which covered some areas on the ground, but warmed quickly as we began our hike to the Teahouse at Lake Agnes.   It is about 2 miles up a fairly steep path though thick
pine forests.   Halfway up we stopped to take a picture of Lake Louise below us and a couple came by.   We just asked them if they would take our picture.   We chatted a few minutes and would you believe they were from Fennimore, Wisconsin!   We ended up hiking to the teahouse and back with them.   They were just about our age and we had lots in common.   The hike itself was pretty challenging for us, but surely worth it.   On the way we passed a place called Mirror Lake and it was surely that.   Again, the reflections of the surrounding mountains and trees were beautiful.      The Teahouse itself was charming and cozy.   Lake Agnes was lovely as you will see in the picture below. What a fantastic morning we had!   By the time we got back down to the village it had clouded up and actually rained much of the rest of the afternoon.   Guess our timing was perfect!   Tomorrow we will visit Lake O'Hara.   It is supposed to be spectacular.

Wish you were here!

Bob and Deb



The Metcalfs said...

Wow...that is beautiful and I'm sure pictures don't even do it justice!

Bob Noll said...

You are absolutely right. That day was especially good for us because we actually stood right in that same spot in front of Lake Louise last time we were here, but it was such a cold, cloudy, misty day that you couldn't even see the mountain tops around the lake. When that day was sunny and clear we felt like the whole trip was worthwhile!